

Scuba Diving

The Sultanate of Oman is a fascinating and beautiful country situated at the far eastern edge of the exotic Arabian Peninsula.
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Sea kayaking

Explore Sea kayaking or touring kayak in Oman. Sea kayaking is a kayak developed for the sport of paddling on open waters of lakes, bays, and the ocean.
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Snorkelling is great fun, easy to learn and an ideal way to build up confidence in the water. It is accessible to anyone - young or old - and is an enjoyable way to get the whole family involved.
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Sultan Qaboos Palace Muscat

Close to the road leading to the heart of the capital Muscat stands the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in Wilayat (district) Bawshar.
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Trekking Climbing

FOR a country that’s in large part arid wasteland and barren mountainous terrain, Oman offers a surprisingly wide range of opportunities for eco-tourism.
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Turtle Watching

Thousands of sea turtles migrate annually from the shores of the Arabian Gulf, the Red Sea and Somalia to lay their eggs on the Sultanate’s shores.
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Wadi & Desert

Rub al Khali, or Empty Quarter—a world of harsh extremes that may rank as both the least, and most, hospitable place on Earth.
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Wadi Al Khoudh

This wadi is situated in Wilayat Al Seeb Muscat Governorate, and is considered one of the largest wadi basins in the Sultanate.
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Wadi Shaab

Wadi Shab is a canyon type valley with flowing water throughout the year.
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Wahiba Sand

The Wahiba Sands, or Ramlat al-Wahiba (also called Sharqiya Sands, are a region of desert in Oman. The region is named for the Wahiba tribe.
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